Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Who should I report any problems to?
A) The system administator is Keith Hooton.

Q) How do I make payments to top up my account?
A) Payments to top up your squash account can be made on-line -, using either a debit or credit card.
Simply select the appropriate amount that you wish to top up by, then click "Pay with Card".
You will be prompted to enter your card details, then click the "Pay Now" button. Optionally, you can save the card details for future use.
The card transaction is processed by a secure payment transaction service called Stripe.
Once the card transaction is confirmed (which should be almost immediately), then the credit will appear on your on-line squash account.

Q) Is Stripe safe?
A) Yes, Stripe is a commercially available, dedicated on-line payment mechanism and is used by lots of companies.
Your card details are not processed or stored by the squash website, but are instead transmitted directly from your web browser to the Stripe server via a secure link.
Even if you choose to save your card details for later use, your card details themselves are not stored on the squash web server.
The squash web server simply stores a unique token that can be sent to the Stripe server in order to authorise future payments.

Q) How do I cancel a court booking that I have previously made?
A) Cancelling a booking is almost identical to making a booking in the first place.
Locate the court that you wish to cancel.
It should have your name on it and a ‘Book’ icon with a red cross through it immediately to the right.
Click on this icon to cancel the booking. You can only cancel a court before the scheduled start time.

When a court booking is cancelled, a full refund will be given immediately provided that the cancellation is done within 4 hours of making the booking.
If a cancellation is made after 4 hours, then the court booking will appear with your name crossed out and is available for other members to book.
You will receive a full refund only if someone else books the court in your place.

If you have paid for the lights to be activated, then this will always be refunded immediately when the court is cancelled.

Q) What are the rules regarding late booking of courts?
A) You can book any court free of charge within 60 minutes of the scheduled start time of the session, but you will still have to pay for the lights.
It is not possible to book a court more than 20 minutes after the start time of the session.
If you do book a court after the scheduled start time, then the booking will still end at the scheduled finish time ie. you will get less than 45 minutes playing time.

Q) What is to prevent two people booking the same court?
A) The on-line system uses a database to control the booking of courts.
It should not be possible for two people to book the same court.

Q) Can several members be logged on to the system at the same time?
A) Yes.
The system uses a multi-user database to access the information.
Any changes made by one user e.g. booking a court, will be immediately visible to other users.

Q) How does automatic activation of the court lights via the website work?
A) When you go to the court booking page on the website, you will now notice a "light bulb" symbol next to courts that have been booked.
If the symbol is black, then the lights are not programmed to come on automatically.
If you click on the "light bulb" symbol, then you will be taken to a page that allows you to activate the lights automatically.
When you click "OK", your on-line squash account will be debited by the appropriate light fee and the lights will be programmed to come on automatically for the duration of squash court booking.
If the "light bulb" symbol is white, then the lights are programmed to come on automatically,
and if you click on the symbol then you will be able to cancel the lights booking and your on-line account will be refunded the light fee.

You can book the court lights at any time up to 20 minutes after the start of the corresponding court session.
If you do this after the start of the court session, then the court lights should come on within 30 seconds, however the lights will still go off automatically at the end of the court session ie. you will get less than the full 45 minutes.
If you book the court lights before the court session, then the lights will come on at the corresponding start time for the session.
You will not be able to cancel a booking for the court lights after the court start time.

Q) Can I still use a light token?
A) Yes, however you must ensure that the display on the light meter is showing the time remaining before inserting a token.
If the display is blank, then the court lights will already be on automatic, and if you insert a token then it will be lost.
Assuming that the new system is successful, then we will gradually be phasing out the use of tokens by not re-stocking the various token outlets.

Q) Can I book a court and pay for the lights at the same time?
A) Yes, there is "tick box" on the court booking page that enables you to pay for the lights at the same time. Obviously, you must have sufficient funds available in the your on-line account.

Q) Can I book a court and my playing partner pay for the lights?
A) Yes, anyone can book the court lights, but your playing partner will need to do this separately after you have booked the court.

Q) What happens if I cancel a court booking and my playing partner has booked the lights?
A) The normal rules apply to the court booking itself ie. if cancellation is within 4 hours of the original booking or someone else subsequently books the court in your place, then you will receive a refund.
The light booking fee will always be refunded and will go to the person who booked the lights ie. your playing partner in this case.

Q) If I book the court lights, are they guaranteed to come on?
A) Pretty much yes. When you make a lights booking, the website communicates with the Club PC to make the booking.
If the website cannot communicate with the Club PC, then you will receive an error message and your account will not be charged.
If something goes wrong between the time that you make the lights booking and the court start time eg. the Club PC crashes, then the lights might not come on.
Under these circumstances, please use a light token and report the problem to the system administrator, and they will refund your on-line account.

Q) Can I book the court lights if the court itself has not been booked?
A) No. However, the court booking is free for Off-Peak courts, and within 1 hour of the court start time for Peak-Time courts. Please book the court and select the option for activation of the lights.

Q) Is the squash website secure?
A) There are a number of security measures in place to prevent unauthorised access to information and to prevent fraud.
The on-line database is encrypted and password protected.
This means that no-one should be able to access the stored information without a valid username and password.

The security of the system relies on no-one else knowing your password.
Never tell anyone else your password.
Always change your default password originally assigned to you as soon as possible.
Never use a password that anyone else can easily guess. It should ideally be at least 8 characters, including a mixture of upper and lower case characters, numbers and special characters.
It is highly recommended that you choose a password that is different to any that you use for sensitive applications such as on-line banking or your email.
Do not use the "Remember me" feature (or any "remember password" features of your web browser) if you are using a shared computer.

The communications between your PC and the Internet Server are secured via HTTPS. This means that the information between the two systems is encrypted.
However, no system is infallible and it is always possible that a hacker might be able to intercept and decode information that is sent between the two systems.
Since the squash website represents a low value target for most hackers, it seems unlikely that anyone will expend too much effort trying to break into the system.

However, if someone does break in, then they will have access to sensitive information, such as the names, mobile telephone numbers and email addresses for all squash members.

If you suspect any security breaches then please tell the system administrator immediately.

Q) What if I forget my password?
A) You should contact the system administrator and ask for your password to be reset.
Since no-one else knows your password (not even the administrator), your password will be reset to the default.

Q) What does "Session expired or browser does not support Cookies" mean when I attempt to login?
A) Your login session will expire if it is inactive for more than 10 minutes (unless you have Remember Me selected).
If this message appears every time you attempt to login, then it may be that your browser has Cookies disabled.
A Cookie is a small piece of data stored by the Internet Server on your local computer for tracking certain activity.
In this case, it is used to maintain the database connection after you first login.
If Cookies are disabled or your browser does not support them, then you will not be able to use the Member Services.

Q) What is the "Remember Me" option on the login screen?
A) The "Remember Me" option means that the Cookie used to store your logon details on your computer will not expire.
This means that you will automatically be logged on each time that you visit the Club's website.
For security reasons, you should not use this option if you share your computer with other people, since
they will automatically be logged on as you if they visit the Club's website.

Q) The "Remember Me" option doesn't seem to work on my mobile. Why not?
A) The "Remember Me" option should work on mobiles.
Please check the following - instructions for Safari users on an iPhone - there will be similar options for other mobile browsers and phones:-

Under Settings->Safari
Check that "Do Not Track" is Off
Check that "Block Cookies" is set to Always Allow.

Within Safari itself, check that you aren't using Private browsing. Press the new page icon bottom right and check that Private is not highlighted.

Q) How do I enable Cookies?
A) In Netscape, select Edit, Preferences from the main menu and click the Advanced tab.
Then click either "Accept all cookies" or "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server".

In Internet Explorer, select Tools, Internet options from the main menu, then select the Security tab and click the Custom Level button.
Then Enable "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" or "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)".

Please note, however, that if you are using a work computer, some employers disable Cookies for security reasons and re-enabling Cookies might not possible.

Q) When I go to the Web site home page, a message is displayed warning me that my browser does not support Cascading Style Sheets.
A) Cascading Style Sheets are used to control the style (colours, font etc.) of the information displayed on a Web page.
Some older browsers do not support Cascading Style Sheets.
You will need Netscape 4/Internet Explorer 5 or later in order to see the Club’s web pages properly.
In Netscape, select Edit, Preferences from the main menu and click the Advanced tab.
Then click "Enable Style Sheets".

If your browser does not support Cascading Style Sheets then you can still use the system, however it may not appear as designed.
You should preferably update your browser to a more recent version.

Q) When I try to login I get the message "Database logins are currently disabled for maintenance purposes. Please try again later."
What does this mean?
A) Logins are disabled for a short period each night in order to backup the system, make new courts available etc.
This will normally only last for between 10 minutes and 1 hour.
Occasionally, if there is a problem with the Internet Server then the update process may fail and database logins will remain disabled for up to 1 day or more.
Please report this to the administrator if you encounter such a problem.

Q) Occasionally I get the error message "Connection reset by peer" displayed.
What does this mean?
A) This error message is displayed when there is a communications failure between your PC and the Internet Server.
You should be able to recover from this problem by simply refreshing the current Web page.
Occasionally, it may take a few minutes for the Internet Server to recover.

Q) When entering league match results, what do the two types of walk-over mean?
A) There are 2 types of walk-over.
W/O(F) is a walk-over for and W/O(A) is a walk-over against.
If a league match is shown as Player A vs Player B then
if Player A wants to claim a walk-over against Player B he should enter W/O(F)
if Player B wants to claim a walk-over against Player A he should enter W/O(A)